Create a windows 10 install disk or bootable usb

Creating a Windows 10 image is easy!

Previous versions of Windows were fairly restrictive around creating installation media, Microsoft didn’t often provide a way to download the operating system and the only other way was to rip it from a friends copy.

With Windows 10 that has changed and it is quite easy to create a Windows 10 Installation Disc that you can use, you do need access to a computer running Windows to actually follow this guide though, so before you format your device you’ll want to create the Installation media first.

Creating the Windows 10 iso files

  1. To get started you will need to download the Windows 10 Media Creation Toolkit from the Microsoft website which supports both 32 bit and 64 bit systems. The link is available here: 
  2. Once downloaded run the toolkit and prepare a DVD or USB Drive for the installation media to be created on. A window will appear asking you what you want to do, select “Create installation media for another PC” and click next. 
  3. Next select the Language, Edition of Windows, and the architecture for the installation image, you can also let Windows choose the best settings for your PC if you’re not sure. You can choose to support both architectures if you’d like but note this will double the size of the image and you will require either a special disc or a USB of a sufficient capacity. Click next.
  4. Next you will be asked where you want to put the installation image, you can choose to either save the image to a USB Drive, or save the image as an ISO file which you can burn to a disc later. You can find out how to burn a ISO Image to a disc in one of my other articles How to Burn an ISO file to a Disc in Windows.
  5. That's it, all you need to do now is select where you want to save the iso image, or select which USB you want the image on and the toolkit will begin downloading the Windows 10 iso image. If you are burning the image to a disc, Microsoft have also added a “disc burner” button on the final page, clicking this will start the disc burning process for you.


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