Deploy Microsoft Surface driver packs with SCCM

This step by step guide details how to go about deploying driver packs in SCCM for Microsoft Surface devices, whether it be a Surface Pro 9, or a Surface Laptop Studio, or maybe a Surface Laptop, all of the steps on how to deploy the driver packs for Surface devices are included for Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager.

Download and extract Surface Driver Packs

The first step in deploying Surface drivers though System Center Configuration Manager and adding Surface drivers into your SCCM task sequences is to first download the relevant surface drivers to your computer, because these come as an MSI we will need to extract them so they can be imported into SCCM.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Download the driver packs relevant to the Surface devices you are deploying

  3. Once you download the relevant driver package you will have a MSI file that you will need to extract the contents of the get the driver files that you can import into SCCM, this can be done by running the following command:

    msiexec /a SurfacePro9_Win11_22621_22.101.15506.0.msi targetdir=C:\SurfaceProDrivers /qn

  4. You should then be able to see the driver files organised in a folder called "SurfaceUpdate" containing a folder structure of all the drivers required.

  5. Create a new folder in the location where you store drivers for SCCM (usually this is on a network location) for the device model, then create two sub folders "Drivers" and "Driver Package"

  6. Copy the extracted driver folders into the "drivers" folder you created.

  7. The "Driver Package" folder you created should be empty, SCCM will use this folder for managing the driver package.

Creating a Driver Package in SCCM

The next step is to import the drivers into SCCM and create a driver package from that which we can add to our task sequence for installation when imaging new machines.

  1. Open Configuration Manager Console and navigate to Software Library > Operating System > Drivers and click Import Driver

  2. Set the Source Folder to the location of the Drivers folder where you copied the extracted Surface Pro drivers, then click next.

  3. SCCM will then process the drivers in the specified folder, this will take a few minutes.

  4. Click on "Categories" to set the category for the new driver pack

  5. Click "Create" then set the category name for the new Driver Pack as the model of the device the driver pack is for

  6. On the next screen click "New package"

  7. Specify the details of the new package including the model of the device the driver pack is for, when setting the path browse to the location where you created the "Driver Package" folder, then click "OK".

  8. Next you will get the option to add the drivers into the boot image, for now just skip that step by selecting no.
  9. Once the driver pack is completed you should see a success screen.

Distribute the new Driver Package

Next step before the driver package can be included into a task sequence is to distribute the new Driver Package to one of your distribution points.

  1. Navigate to Software Library > Operating Systems > Driver Packages
  2. Select the Driver Package that you just created, then on the top menu click on "Distribute Content"
  3. Follow the prompts to have the new driver package distributed to your DP.

Add the Driver Pack into a Task Sequence

Now we can add the driver package to be installed as part of a task sequence that you likely already have.

  1. Software Library > Operating Systems > Task Sequences
  2. Right-click on your desired task sequence and click "Edit"

  3. At the "Install Drivers" stage add an "Apply Driver Package" step and select the relevant driver package

  4. Click on the "Options" tab and click Add condition "WMI Query"

  5. Copy and paste the following query into the query editor window and adjust the model to suit the device you are deploying.

    SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model like '%Surface Laptop%'
  6. Click "OK" to any remaining windows and you are done.

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